Professor Christy Cheung’s two papers, “Battles of mobile payment networks: The impacts of network structures, technology complementarities and institutional mechanisms on consumer loyalty” and “How technostressors influence job and family satisfaction: Exploring the role of work–family conflict“, have been recently recognized as top-cited papers in Information Systems Journal (2022-2023).

The paper entitled “Battles of mobile payment networks: The impacts of network structures, technology complementarities and institutional mechanisms on consumer loyalty” examines how contextual network effects and contextual network types determine MP consumer loyalty. It enriches the IS literature by problematizing the core assumption underlying the MP adoption and use research and offering a contextual explanation of MP consumer loyalty. It also provides practitioners with insights into how to better leverage network effects on MP consumer loyalty.

This is a collaborative work with Dr. Xiang Gong (Xi’an Jiaotong University), Prof. Shan Liu (Xi’an Jiaotong University), Dr. Zikun (Kem) Zhang (Lakehead University), and Prof. Matthew K. O. Lee (City University of Hong Kong).

The paper entitled “How technostressors influence job and family satisfaction: Exploring the role of work–family conflict” defines the two dimensions of work–family conflict as the perceptual stress resulting from a chronic challenge and hindrance technostressors, which ultimately affect employees’ satisfaction in both the work and family domains. The results indicate that challenge and hindrance technostressors have different effects on these two main forms of work–family conflict (time-based and strain-based) but further induce negative effects on both job and family satisfaction.

This is a collaborative work with Prof. Si Shi (Southwestern University of Finance and Economics) and Prof. Yang Chen (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China).


Gong, X., Cheung, C. M., Liu, S., Zhang, K. Z., & Lee, M. K. (2022). Battles of mobile payment networks: The impacts of network structures, technology complementarities and institutional mechanisms on consumer loyalty. Information Systems Journal32(4), 696-728.

Shi, S., Chen, Y., & Cheung, C. M. (2023). How technostressors influence job and family satisfaction: Exploring the role of work–family conflict. Information Systems Journal33(4), 953-985.

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