Current Students

Grace GAO Yuekun

LI Yifan

Bobby SO Tin King

Dr. WONG Yee Man
Graduated in 2020
Current Placement:
Lecturer (Assistant Professor)
The University of Auckland (New Zealand)
Dissertation Title:
Mitigating Cyberbullying: Essays on Understanding Proactive Coping and Intervention Strategies

Dr. Tommy Chan
Graduated in 2017
Current Placement:
Associate Professor
The University of Manchester, the United Kingdom
Dissertation Title:
Three Essays on Cyberbullying on Social Networking Sites: Understanding the Effects of Technological Factors

Dr. Zach Lee
Graduated in 2015
Current Placement:
University of Leicester, the United Kingdom
Dissertation Title:
Understanding Problematic Use of Massively Multiplayer Online Game: Instrument Development and Theoretical Model Testing