Our Open-Accessed article, “Cyberslacking in the Workplace: Antecedents and Effects on Job Performance” has been published in Information Systems Journal. This study organizes antecedents from diverse research streams and validates their relative impact on cyberslacking, thus providing a cohesive theoretical explanation of cyberslacking. This study also incorporates contextualization (i.e., IT-specific factors) into theory development and enriches the IS literature by examining the nonwork aspects of IT use and their negative consequences to organizations. In addition, the results provide practitioners with insights into the nonwork use of IT in organizations, particularly regarding how they can take organizational action to mitigate cyberslacking and maintain employee productivity.
Thanks to my co-authors Venkatesh, V., Davis, F. D., and Zach W. Y. Lee. !
Source from: Venkatesh, V., Cheung, C. M., Davis, F. D. and Lee, Z. W. Y. (In Press), Cyberslacking in the Workplace: Antecedents and Effects on Job Performance, MIS Quarterly. https://doi.org/10.25300/MISQ/2022/14985