Our article, “A Dual-Identity Perspective of Obsessive Online Social Gaming” has been published in the Journal of the Association for Information Systems.
Obsessive online social gaming has become a worldwide societal challenge that deserves more scholarly investigation. Guided by dual-system theory, the research team theoretically derives a typology of obsessive technology use and contextually adapts it to conceptualize obsessive online social gaming. The team also builds upon identity theory to develop a dual-identity perspective (i.e., IT identity and social identity) of obsessive online social gaming. The research model was tested using a longitudinal survey of 627 online social game users. The results demonstrate that the typology of obsessive technology use comprises four interrelated types: impulsive use, compulsive use, excessive use, and addictive use. IT identity positively affects the four obsessive online social gaming archetypes and fully mediates the effect of social identity on obsessive online social gaming. The results also show that IT identity is predicted by embeddedness, self-efficacy, and instant gratification, whereas social identity is determined by group similarity, group familiarity, and intragroup communication. This study contributes to the IS literature by proposing a typology of obsessive technology use, incorporating identity theory to provide a contextualized explanation of obsessive online social gaming and offering implications for addressing the societal challenge.
Source from: Gong, Xiang; Cheung, Christy M. K.; Zhang, Kem Z. K.; Chen, Chongyang; and Lee, Matthew K. O. (2021) “A Dual-Identity Perspective of Obsessive Online Social Gaming,” Journal of the Association for Information Systems: Vol. 22: Iss. 5, Article 8. DOI: 10.17705/1jais.00693