Our Open-Accessed article,  “Standing Up or Standing By: Understanding Bystanders’ Proactive Reporting Responses to Social Media Harassment” is now online. 

In this study, we contextualize the bystander intervention framework and reporting literature to social media in order to understand why bystanders report social media harassment. Our contextualized intervention framework focuses on three sociotechnical aspects—the online social environment, characteristics of the technology platform, and their interplay—that explain bystander reporting on social media platforms. 
Thanks to my co-authors Randy Wong, Bo Xiao, and Jason Thatcher

Source from: Wong R.Y., Cheung, C.M., Xiao B., & Thatcher J., (In Press), “Standing up or standing by: Understanding bystanders’ proactive reporting responses to social media harassment”, Information Systems Research. https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/abs/10.1287/isre.2020.0983